CxImage Class Members & Operations
- Constructors
- Initialization
- File
- Generic
- Painting
- Multiple Images
- Transparency
- Palette
- Pixels
- Region Selection
- Alpha Channel
- Layers
- Attributes
- Miscellaneous
Supported file formats
At the begining of the main header file ximage.h
you'll find the definitions to enable or disable a specific format:
// CxImage supported formats
Remember to rebuild the library if you change these statements.
CxImage(DWORD imagetype=0) | Creates an empty image. imagetype (optional) sets the image format. |
CxImage(DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD wBpp, DWORD imagetype=0) | Creates an image with the specified width, height, bit per pixel and (optional) image type arguments. |
CxImage(const CxImage &isrc, bool copypixels=true, bool copyselection=true, bool copyalpha=true) | Creates an image with the same characteristics of the source image. |
void* Create(DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD wBpp, DWORD imagetype=0) | Initializes or rebuilds the image. Returns the pointer to the internal pDib object. |
void Clear(BYTE bval=0) | Sets the image bits to the specified value. |
bool Destroy() | Releases the image buffers. |
void Copy(const CxImage &src, bool copypixels = true, bool copyselection = true, bool copyalpha = true) | Copies the image from an exsisting one. |
HANDLE CopyToHandle() | Copies the image to a global memory handle (clipboard operations) |
bool CreateFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbmp, HPALETTE hpal=0) | Creates an image from a bitmap or icon object. (resource) |
bool CreateFromHANDLE(HANDLE hMem) | Creates an image from a global bitmap handle. (clipboard operations) |
bool CreateFromArray(BYTE* pArray,DWORD dwWidth,DWORD dwHeight,DWORD dwBitsperpixel, DWORD dwBytesperline, bool bFlipImage); | Creates an image from a generic buffer. |
bool Transfer(CxImage &from) | Transfers the image from an existing source image. The source become empty. |
File operations
bool LoadResource(HRSRC hRes, DWORD imagetype, HMODULE hModule=NULL) | Loads an image from the application resources.hRes is the resource handle returned by FindResource() . |
bool Save(const TCHAR * filename,DWORD imagetype=0) bool Encode(FILE * hFile, DWORD imagetype) bool Encode(CxFile * hFile, DWORD imagetype) bool Encode(BYTE * &buffer, long &size, DWORD imagetype) | Saves to disk or memory the image in a specific format. (Note: buffer must be NULL, the function allocates and fill the memory, the application must free the buffer) |
bool Load(const TCHAR * filename,DWORD imagetype=0) bool Decode(FILE * hFile, DWORD imagetype) bool Decode(CxFile * hFile, DWORD imagetype) bool Decode(BYTE * buffer, DWORD size, DWORD imagetype) | Reads from disk or memory the image in a specific format. |
bool Encode(CxFile * hFile, CxImage ** pImages, int pagecount, DWORD imagetype); | Saves to disk or memory pagecount images, referenced by an array of CxImage pointers. imagetype can be CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF or CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF |
Image operations
bool IsValid() | Checks if the image is correctly initializated. |
bool IsEnabled() | True if the image is enabled for painting. |
void Enable(bool enable=true) | Enables/disables the image. |
bool Flip() | Flips upside down the image. |
bool Mirror() | Mirrors the image. |
bool Rotate(float angle, CxImage* iDst = NULL) | Rotates the image. angle can be positive for clockwise rotation or negative for counter-clockwise rotation. If iDst is NULL, the resulting image replaces the original. |
bool Negative() | Inverts the image colors. |
bool GrayScale() | Converts the image colors to 8 bit gray scale. |
bool Resample(long newx, long newy, int mode = 1, CxImage* iDst = NULL) | Resizes the image. mode can be 0 for slow (bilinear) method , 1 for fast (nearest pixel) method, or 2 for accurate (bicubic spline interpolation) method. The function is faster with 24 and 1 bpp images, slow for 4 bpp images and slowest for 8 bpp images. |
bool DecreaseBpp(DWORD nbit, bool errordiffusion, RGBQUAD* ppal = 0) | Reduces the number of bits per pixel to nbit (1, 4 or 8).ppal points to a valid palette for the final image; if not supplied the function will use a standard palette. ppal is not necessary for reduction to 1 bpp. |
bool IncreaseBpp(DWORD nbit) | Increases the number of bits per pixel of the image. |
bool Dither(long method = 0) | Converts the image to B&W using the Floyd-Steinberg (method = 0) or Ordered-Dithering (method = 1) algorithms. |
bool Crop(long left, long top, long right, long bottom, CxImage* iDst = NULL) | Extracts the specified rectangle from the image. If iDst is NULL, the resulting image replaces the original. |
bool CircleTransform(int type,long rmax=0,float Koeff=1.0f); | Perform circle_based transformations. type is for different transformations :- 0 for normal (proturberant) FishEye - 1 for reverse (concave) FishEye - 2 for Swirle - 3 for Cilinder mirror - 4 for bathroom |
bool Expand(long left, long top, long right, long bottom, RGBQUAD canvascolor, CxImage* iDst = 0); | Expands the borders. |
bool Thumbnail(long newx, long newy, RGBQUAD canvascolor, CxImage* iDst = 0); | Resamples the image with the correct aspect ratio, and fills the borders. |
DSP operations
bool Threshold(BYTE level) | Converts the image to B&W. level is the lightness threshold. The Mean() function can be used for calculating the optimal threshold. |
bool SplitRGB(CxImage* r,CxImage* g,CxImage* b) | Extract various channels from the image. Each channel is an 8 bit grayscale image. |
bool Colorize(BYTE hue, BYTE sat) | Replaces the original hue and saturation values with hue and sat . |
bool Light(long brightness, long contrast=0) | Changes the brightness and the contrast of the image. level can be from -255 to 255, if level is negative, the image becomes dark. contrast can be from -100 to 100, the neutral value is 0. |
float Mean() | Returns the mean lightness of the image. Useful with Threshold and Light |
bool Erode(long Ksize=2) | Enhance the dark areas of the image. Ksize is the size of the kernel. |
bool Dilate(long Ksize=2) | Enhance the light areas of the image. Ksize is the size of the kernel. |
bool Filter(long* kernel, long Ksize, long Kfactor, long Koffset) | 2D linear filter. 1 1 1 the function needs: |
void Mix(CxImage & imgsrc2, ImageOpType op, long lXOffset = 0, long lYOffset = 0) | Blends two images. op can be : OpAdd, OpAnd, OpXor, OpOr, OpMask, OpSrcCopy, OpDstCopy, OpSub, OpSrcBlend |
bool ShiftRGB(long r, long g, long b) | Adjusts separately the red, green, and blue values in the image. |
bool Gamma(float gamma) | Adjusts the color balance of the image. gamma can be from 0.1 to 5. |
bool Median(long Ksize = 3) | Adjusts the intensity of each pixel to the median intensity of its surrounding pixels. |
bool Noise(long level) | Adds an uniform noise to the image, level can be from 0 to 255. |
bool Skew(float xgain, float ygain, long xpivot, long ypivot) | image skewing, xgain and ygain can be from 0 to 1, xpivot and ypivot is the center of the transformation. |
bool Jitter(long radius = 2) | Adds a random offset to each pixel in the image |
long Histogram(long* red, long* green = 0, long* blue = 0, long* gray = 0, long colorspace = 0) | Build the istogram of the image. red , green , blue , gray are long[256] or NULL. colorspace can be:0 = RGB, 1 = HSL, 2 = YUV, 3 = YIQ, 4 = XYZ. The function returns the maximum value stored in the red , green , blue , gray buffers. |
HistogramStretch(long method = 0); | Histogram functions. methos for HistogramStretch are : 0 = luminance , 1 = linked channels , 2 = independent channels. |
bool FFT2(CxImage* srcReal, CxImage* srcImag, CxImage* dstReal, CxImage* dstImag, long direction = 1, bool bForceFFT = true, bool bMagnitude = true) | Computes the bidimensional FFT or DFT of the image. If the dimensions of the image are a power of, 2 the FFT is performed automatically. If dstReal and/or dstImag are NULL, the resulting images replaces the original(s).direction : 1 = forward, -1 = inverse.bForceFFT : Resample the image to make the dimensions a power of 2.bMagnitude : the real part returns the magnitude, the imaginary part returns the phase.Note: with 8 bits there is a HUGE loss in the dynamics the function tries to keep an acceptable SNR, but 8bit = 48dB... |
bool Combine(CxImage* r,CxImage* g,CxImage* b,CxImage* a, long colorspace = 0) | Combines different color components, "a" can be NULL,the source colorspace can be: 0 = RGB, 1 = HSL, 2 = YUV, 3 = YIQ, 4 = XYZ |
bool Repair(float radius = 0.25f, long niterations = 1, long colorspace = 0) | Smart blurring to remove small defects, dithering or artifacts. |
bool UnsharpMask(float radius = 5.0, float amount = 0.5, int threshold = 0); | |
bool Lut(BYTE* pLut); | Apply a look up table to the image or for each channel. "pLut" s are BYTE[256] |
Painting operations
long Draw(HDC pDC, long xoffset, long yoffset, long xsize = -1, long size = -1, RECT* pClipRect = 0) long Draw(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, RECT* pClipRect = 0) | Draws the image in the specified device context, with support for alpha channel, alpha palette, transparency, opacity. |
long Draw2(HDC pDC, long xoffset, long yoffset, long xsize = -1, long size = -1) long Draw2(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect) | Draws the image in the specified device context, using the "true mask" method (simple transparency) |
long Stretch(HDC pDC,long xoffset,long yoffset,long xsize,long ysize, DWORD dwRop = SRCCOPY) long Stretch(HDC hdc, const RECT& rect, DWORD dwRop = SRCCOPY) | Stretch the image (obsolete, use Draw), still useful for printing operations. |
long Tile(HDC pDC, RECT *rc) | Tiles the image to fill the specified rectangle. |
long DrawString(HDC hdc, long x, long y, const TCHAR* text, RGBQUAD color, const TCHAR* font, long lSize=0, long lWeight=400, BYTE bItalic=0, BYTE bUnderline=0, bool bSetAlpha=false); | Draws a string in the image. |
long Blt(HDC pDC, long x=0, long y=0) | Only for WinCE. |
Multiple Images operations
These are specific function to load multiple TIFF, GIF and ICON images.
long GetNumFrames() | Returns the number of images in the file. This function must be used after a Load() call.Use the sequence SetFrame(-1); Load(...); GetNumFrames(); to get the number of images without loading the first image. |
long GetFrame() | Returns the current selected image (zero-based index). |
long SetFrame() | Set the image number that the next ReadFile() call will load. |
long GetTransIndex() | Gets the index used for transparency. Returns -1 for no transparancy. |
RGBQUAD GetTransColor() | Gets the color used for transparency. |
void SetTransIndex(long idx) | Sets the index used for transparency with 1, 4 and 8 bpp images. Set to -1 to remove the effect. |
void SetTransColor(RGBQUAD rgb) | Sets the color used for transparency with 24 bpp images. You must call SetTransIndex(0) to enable the effect, SetTransIndex(-1) to disable it. |
bool IsTransparent() |
Palette operations
These functions have no effects on RGB images and in this case the returned value is always 0.
DWORD GetPaletteSize() | Returns the palette dimension in bytes. |
RGBQUAD* GetPalette() | Returns the pointer to the first palette index. |
RGBQUAD GetPaletteColor(BYTE idx) | Returns the color of the specified index. |
BYTE GetNearestIndex(RGBQUAD c) | Returns the best palette index that matches a specified color . |
void SetPalette(DWORD n, BYTE *r, BYTE *g, BYTE *b) void SetPalette(RGBQUAD* pPal,DWORD nColors=256) void SetPalette(rgb_color_struct *rgb,DWORD nColors=256) | Sets the palette entries. |
void SetPaletteColor(BYTE idx, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b) void SetPaletteColor(BYTE idx, RGBQUAD c) void SetPaletteColor(BYTE idx, COLORREF cr) | Sets the color of the specified palette index. |
void SetGrayPalette() | Turns to gray scale palette. |
void BlendPalette(COLORREF cr,long perc) | Colorize the palette. |
bool IsGrayScale() | Returns true if the image has 256 colors and a linear grey scale palette. |
bool IsIndexed() | Returns true if the image has 256 colors or less. |
void SwapIndex(BYTE idx1, BYTE idx2) | Swaps two indexes in the image and their colors in the palette. |
void SetStdPalette() | Sets a palette with standard colors for 4 and 8 bpp images. |
void HuePalette(float correction=1) | Generates a "rainbow" palette with saturated colors. correction=1 generates a single hue spectrum. correction=0.75 is nice for scientific applications. |
Pixels operations
bool IsInside(long x, long y) | Checks if the coordinates are inside the image. |
BYTE GetPixelIndex(long x,long y) | Returns the pixel index (0 for RGB images). |
RGBQUAD GetPixelColor(long x,long y, bool bGetAlpha = true) | Returns the pixel color. |
BYTE GetPixelGray(long x,long y) | Returns the pixel lightness |
void SetPixelIndex(long x,long y,BYTE i) | Sets the pixel index, only for indexed images. |
void SetPixelColor(long x,long y,RGBQUAD c, bool bSetAlpha = false) void SetPixelColor(long x,long y,COLORREF cr) | Sets the pixel color. |
void DrawLine(int StartX, int EndX, int StartY, int EndY, RGBQUAD color, bool bSetAlpha=false); |
Region selection
bool SelectionCreate() | Allocates an empty selection. |
bool SelectionDelete() | Deallocates the selction. |
bool SelectionClear() | Empties the selection. |
bool SelectionCopy(CxImage &from) | Imports an existing region from another image with the same width and height. |
bool SelectionInvert() | Inverts the selection. |
bool SelectionAddPixel(int x, int y) | Adds a single pixel to the existing selection. |
bool SelectionAddRect(RECT r) | Adds a rectangle to the existing selection. |
bool SelectionAddEllipse(RECT r) | Adds an ellipse to the existing selection. |
bool SelectionAddPolygon(POINT *points, long npoints) | Adds a polygonal region to the existing selection. points points to an array of POINT structures. Each structure specifies the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of one vertex of the polygon. npoints specifies the number of POINT structures in the array pointed to by points . |
void SelectionGetBox(RECT& r) | Gets the smallest rectangle that contains the selection |
bool SelectionIsInside(long x, long y) | Checks if the coordinates are inside the selection. |
bool SelectionAddColor(RGBQUAD c) | Adds to the selection all the pixels matching the specified color. |
bool SelectionToHRGN(HRGN& region) | Converts the selection in a HRGN object. |
bool SelectionIsValid() | Checks if the image has a valid selection. |
Alpha channel
void AlphaCreate() | Allocates an empty (transparent) alpha channel. |
void AlphaDelete() | Deallocates the alpha channel. |
void AlphaClear() | Resets the alpha channel. |
void AlphaInvert() | Inverts the alpha channel. |
bool AlphaMirror() | Mirrors the alpha channel. |
bool AlphaFlip() | Flips the alpha channel. |
bool AlphaCopy(CxImage &from) | Imports an existing alpa channel from another image with the same width and height. |
void AlphaStrip() | Blends the alpha channel and the alpha palette with the pixels. The result is a 24 bit image. The background color can be selected using SetTransColor (). |
bool AlphaSplit(CxImage *dest) | Exports the alpha channel in a 8bpp grayscale image. |
void AlphaSet(BYTE level) | Sets the alpha level for the whole image or for a single pixel |
void AlphaSet(CxImage &from) | Creates the alpha channel from a gray scale image |
BYTE AlphaGet(long x,long y) | Returns the alpha level for the specified pixel. |
BYTE AlphaGetMax() / void AlphaSetMax(BYTE nAlphaMax) | Get/Set global Alpha (opacity) value applied to the whole image. |
bool AlphaIsValid() | Checks if the image has a valid alpha channel. |
void AlphaPaletteClear() | Resets the alpha palette. |
void AlphaPaletteEnable(bool enable=true) | Enables the alpha palette, so the Draw() function changes its behavior. |
bool AlphaPaletteIsEnabled() | True if the alpha palette is enabled for painting. |
bool AlphaPaletteSplit(CxImage *dest) | Exports the alpha channel in a 8bpp grayscale image. |
bool AlphaPaletteIsValid() | Checks if the image has a valid alpha palette. |
BYTE* AlphaGetBits() | Returns the pointer to the alpha layer (USE CAREFULLY) |
bool LayerCreate(long position = -1) | Creates an empty layer. If position is less than 0, the new layer will be placed in the last position |
bool LayerDelete(long position = -1) | Deletes a layer. If position is less than 0, the last layer will be deleted |
void LayerDeleteAll() | |
CxImage* GetLayer(long position) | Returns a pointer to a layer. If position is less than 0, the last layer will be returned |
CxImage* GetParent() | If the object is an internal layer, GetParent return its parent in the hierarchy. |
long GetNumLayers() | Number of layers allocated directly by the object. |
long GetSize() | Returns the size in byte of the internal hDib object. |
BYTE* GetBits(DWORD row) | Returns the pointer to the image pixels (USE CAREFULLY). |
DWORD GetHeight() | |
DWORD GetWidth() | |
DWORD GetEffWidth() | Returns the DWORD aligned width of the image. |
DWORD GetNumColors() | Returns 2, 16, 256; 0 for RGB images. |
BYTE GetColorType() | Returns: 1=Palette, 2=RGB, 4=Alpha. |
WORD GetBpp() | Returns: 1, 4, 8, 24. |
DWORD GetType() | Returns the file extension associated with the image. |
LPSTR GetLastError() | Returns the last reported error. |
void* GetDIB() | Returns the internal hDib object. |
BYTE GetJpegQuality() / void SetJpegQuality(BYTE q) | Image quality for JPEG and TIFF formats. |
long GetXDPI() / void SetXDPI(long dpi) | Resolution for TIFF, JPEG, PNG and BMP formats. |
DWORD GetCodecOption() | Encode option for GIF, TIF and JPG. GIF : 0 = RLE (default), 1 = none, 2 = LZW. TIF : 0 = automatic (default), or a valid compression code as defined in "tiff.h" (COMPRESSION_NONE = 1, COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE = 2, ...) JPG : valid values stored in enum CODEC_OPTION ( ENCODE_BASELINE = 0x01, ENCODE_PROGRESSIVE = 0x10, ...) |
DWORD GetFlags() | Image flags, for future use |
BYTE GetJpegScale() | used for scaling down during JPEG decoding, valid numbers are 1, 2, 4, 8 |
void GetOffset(long *x,long *y) | Image offset. |
HBITMAP MakeBitmap(HDC hdc) | Creates a device-dependent bitmap (DDB) from the image (DIB). If hdc is NULL, the function returns a DIB. |
long GetProgress() | Used to monitor the slow loops. The returned value is from 0 to 100. |
long GetEscape() | Returns the escape code. |
void SetProgress(long p) | Forces the value of the internal progress variable. |
void SetEscape(long i) | Used to quit the slow loops or the codecs. |
const TCHAR* GetVersion() |
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